This sales-focused copy is for Kali Muscle’s workout supplement Hyphy Mud. It’s traditional, long-form copywriting that uses an audacious voice to target a very specific demographic. The client reported that adopting my copy in place of the existing copy resulted in a 40% increase in conversions in the instances it was used.

The right pre-workout supplement can make the difference between just another day in the gym and a no-holds-barred explosion of muscle. Professional bodybuilders make sure they’re using the right energy supplements to make them a force to be reckoned with in the weight room. 

Since it’s such an important part of workout routine, you can’t afford to pick a limp supplement that makes more promises than it can back up. 

You need a supplement that will make you dangerous.

When you’re about to walk into a workout, you want to make sure you have the energy to pump raw iron hard from the first rep to the last. You want a supplement that will help you blow your old records out of the water and turn you into an unstoppable monster. 

You want something that tastes good and makes your arms and legs feel like electricity is coursing through them.

You want Hyphy Mud.

Hyphy Mud is the perfect solution for anyone who is sick of lackluster energy boosters that let them down halfway through a workout and don’t give them the rush of energy they need to reach their full potential. Hyphy Mud activates your fast twitch muscles to give you off-the-wall energy that jacks your athletic performance sky-high. 

You’ll enjoy enhanced muscular energy that makes your workout more productive, more successful, and more satisfying. 

It’s the ultimate workout supplement, and it’s here to make you a formidable beast in the gym.

What is Hyphy Mud and How Does it Work?

Hyphy Mud is a pre-workout energy drink that was popularized by actor and bodybuilder Kali Muscle who co-developed the drink while incarcerated. The original formula was much simpler than its modern day manifestation, consisting only of a few teaspoons of instant coffee and a dash of Pepsi. 

These are simple ingredients, granted, but they proved extremely effective, and the fame of the concoction grew.

Kali Muscle later partnered with a team of chemists who specialized in sports performance to modify and perfect the elegant but effective pre-workout energy drink he’d discovered. 

After many iterations and a long research process, a new and innovative recipe arose: Hyphy Mud. 

Today’s formulation of Hyphy Mud is scientifically designed using cutting-edge techniques to bring you a pre-workout supplement chemically configured to enhance your mental focus, boost your drive, pump up your aggression, and make everyone at the gym jealous of your intensity and energy. 

Using this finalized formula flips a switch deep inside you and turns you into a weightlifting beast. 

Warning: Consuming this product prior to a workout will make you dangerous!

With this supplement, you can expect to thrash your old personal records mercilessly, and before long, you will be violently hurling weights around, transformed into an aggressive animal who is pumping out set after set after set with no signs of tiring.

The formula works by intercepting weakness and shutting it down at the source. 

Weakness comes in two forms, and there are ingredients in the formula designed to hunt down and exterminate them both.

Mental weakness comes from your mind being distracted. You can’t achieve your maximum potential if your mind is somewhere else. Stress and jobs and relationships don’t belong in the gym. You have to be focused. 

That’s why this formula uses caffeine and other scientifically selected substances to ratchet your brain into full-gear. You’ll find it easy to stay as focused as a laser, and the world around you will fade away such that it’s only you, the iron, and the endless power of your muscles. 

Physical weakness comes from your body giving up early, before it’s reached its full capabilities. Your body thinks it's weaker than it really is. 

That’s why this formula reduces the unnecessary signals your muscles send to your brain that make you feel like your muscles are exhausted before they’re actually tired. That way you can push through your lower plateaus and achieve new echelons of weight and endurance.

The Benefits of Hyphy Mud

Hyphy Mud charges your body with many benefits that make sure you achieve your weight training objectives and unleash your inner ferocity. Above all else, using it before your workout bestows your body with the following:

  • Off The Wall Energy

  • Fast Twitch Muscle Fiber Activation

  • Improved Athletic Performance

  • Enhanced Muscular Endurance

With these effects on your side, you will be lifting more weight than you ever have in your life. 

Yeah, you’re still going to have to use proper training techniques and maintain a healthy, bodybuilding diet, but with this increased energy, you’ll be seeing results faster than ever.

There are some energy supplements that claim to give you these benefits, but none of them have the rigorous, prison-tested history that has been followed up by years of scientific analysis and fine tuning. 

Hyphy Mud is the best stuff out there because it uses ingredients that are proven to work and because it is analytically designed to make you dangerous. 

Why You Need Hyphy Mud

Are you satisfied giving 90% in the gym every day? Are you content with the weight plateaus you’ve reached? Does getting tired halfway through a workout not bother you? 

If that’s the case, then you don’t need Hyphy Mud. You’ve already settled for mediocrity.

However, if you want to start giving 110% in the gym, if you want to break through those ceilings and lift more than you’ve ever lifted, if you want violent, unbridled energy churning inside you from your first rep to your last, then You. Need. Hyphy Mud.

Bulking up? Hyphy Mud is for you. Cutting? Yep. Endurance training? Absolutely. The formula is designed to help you max out your potential regardless of your workout regimen or body goals. 

With increased bloodflow to your muscles, a mind turned into a steel trap, and all the energy of a roiling thunderstorm, it doesn’t matter what you’re trying to do: you’re going to accomplish it better, more thoroughly, and more aggressively.

Do you want the best? Then you want Hyphy Mud.



